['1 . Appearance 紫罗酮有α,β,γ三种异构体。具有强烈的花香,稀释时有类似紫罗兰的香气;β-紫罗酮有紫罗兰香气,但带有比α-紫罗酮更为鲜明的柏木香韵;γ-紫罗酮香气类似α-紫罗酮,但更浓更重,更为刺鼻 ', '2 . Density(g/mL 25ºC)0927-0933 ', '3 . Relative vapor density(g/mL,Atmosphere =1)Unknow ', '4 . Melting point(ºCAtmospheric pressure)Unknow ', '5 . Boiling point(ºC,Atmospheric pressure)α-紫罗酮1465-1475℃(337kpa), β-紫罗酮150-151℃(302kPa) ', '6 . Boiling point(ºC,52kPa)Unknow ', '7 . Refractive index(n20/D)1497-1502 ', '8 . Flash point(ºC,)>100 ', '9 . Specific rotation(º)Unknow ', '10 . Spontaneous ignition point or ignition temperature(ºC)Unknow ', '11 . Vapor pressure(kPa,25ºC)Unknow ', '12 . Saturated vapor pressure(kPa,60ºC)Unknow ', '13 . Combustion heat(KJ/mol)Unknow ', '14 . Critical temperature(ºC)Unknow ', '15 . Critical pressure(KPa)Unknow ', '16 . Oil-water(Octanol /Water )Logarithmic Value of Distribution Coefficient (25℃)Unknow ', '17 . Upper limit of explosion(%,V/V)Unknow ', '18 . Lower limit of explosion(%,V/V)Unknow ', '19 . Solubility (mg/mL) 能与无Water 醇混醇,Soluble in 2-3份70%的醇醚氯仿and 苯,极微Soluble in Water ']